Showing 26 - 50 of 74 Results
Voyage Dans l'Empire de Maroc by Lempriere, William, Sainte-... ISBN: 9781286004210 List Price: $34.75
Neue Reise Nach Marokos, Nebst Anhang Von W. Lempriere, Reise in Einen Entfernteren Theil de... by Agrell, Olof, Lempriere, Wi... ISBN: 9781275804098 List Price: $42.75
A tour from Gibraltar by William Lempriere ISBN: 9785518679467 List Price: $49.95
John Howes' Ms., 1582: Being "A Brief Note of the Order and Manner of the Proceedings in the... by John Howes, William Lempriere ISBN: 9781298683526 List Price: $23.95
A Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant; And Thence Ove... by Lempriere, William, William... ISBN: 9781355000129 List Price: $26.95
John Howes' Ms. 1582 : Being a Brief Note of the Order and Manner of the Proceedings in the ... by Howes, John, Lempriere, Wil... ISBN: 9781293683897 List Price: $23.75
A Tour From Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant: And Thence Ove... by Lempriere, William, William... ISBN: 9781331055280 List Price: $13.57
Neue Reise Nach Marokos, Nebst Anhang Von W. Lempriere, Reise In Einen Entfernteren Theil De... by Agrell, Olof, Lempriere, Wi... ISBN: 9781342988218 List Price: $30.95
Popular Lectures on the Study of Natural History and the Sciences, Vegetable Physiology, Zoo... by Lempriere, William, William... ISBN: 9781330150139 List Price: $16.57
John Howes' Ms., 1582: Being "A Brief Note of the Order and Manner of the Proceedings in the... by Howes, John, Lempriere, Wil... ISBN: 9781144528025 List Price: $22.75
John Howes' Manuscript 1582 by Howe, John, Lempriere, William ISBN: 9781161622430 List Price: $37.95
Neue Reise Nach Marokos, Nebst Anhang Von W. Lempriere, Reise in Einen Entfernteren Theil de... by Agrell, Olof, Lempriere, Wi... ISBN: 9781346215198 List Price: $30.95
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